Through Corporate Volunteering we commit our time, talent, and resources to serve as agents of change and make a positive difference wherever we are present. These initiatives are channeled in three lines of action: Community Development, Conservation, and Education.

Community Development
We seek to improve the quality of life in the communities served by Bepensa, through community work, education, and solidarity in the case of natural disasters.

Environmental Conservation
We generate actions to prevent and control water, ground, and air pollution, raising awareness for children regarding environmental protection through programs such as the Bepensa Biopark, as well as for coastal and water cleaning and recycling programs, among others.

Through mentorship programs for women artisans and the “Ser Grande” (Be Great) scholarship program for low-income children, Bepensa aims to contribute to the development of both groups' skills, to allow them to improve their quality of life and break the cycle of poverty