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Sustainability >

Our People

Our people make us stand out and make us stronger.

We're a business with a solid corporate project, and therefore, committed to the comprehensive development and professional growth of each member of our team. We work to ensure that we all have the tools we need to grow towards excellence, both personally and professionally, while promoting a healthy and optimal work environment.

To achieve this, we've implemented four action plans, which have resulted in committed staff, and thus extraordinary business results.


Talent attraction, development, and retention.

We believe it is essential to attract the best talent, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disabilities or nationality.

Sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or nationality. Through our Training Center, we promote the professional and personal development of our employees in our subsidiaries in Mexico and abroad.

We have an Operational Excellence model that involves the development of people, the application of tools and the establishment of systems to achieve more efficient and profitable processes.


Staff Evaluation and Compensation Plan.

Our recognition program, along with our compensation plan, helps us attract, retain, and motivate every team member with world-class capabilities. That's how we promote an environment where hard work and results are recognized and encouraged.


Occupational health and safety. We make sure to maintain a safe and healthy environment within our facilities through initiatives led by our respective committees. We are committed to preventing occupational injuries and illnesses and to fully comply with laws and regulations related to employee health and safety. We are certified in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.


and stimulating environment.

We aim to promote an inclusive, active, and healthy lifestyle for our employees and their families.

That's why we've established the Bepensa Wellness program Bienestar Bepensa. Through this program, we encourage physical activity, healthy habits, information regarding health and nutrition, morality, etc.